About Us

Board of Directors

Janice Bispham




Martin Greenidge


Marcia Smith


Victor Stoute

Organization Liaison

John Ellis

Immediate Past Chairperson

Roslyn Sealy

Public Relations Officer

Association of Barbados Organizations, Inc.


To advocate on behalf of all member organizations whilst promoting Barbados, it culture, diversity, charity and unity within the United States of America.

Goals and Objectives

  • To assist in the orientation, adaptation and assimilation of migrating Barbadians into American society wherewith fostering a better understanding of the USA.
  • To promote the economic, social, cultural, and educational advancement of Barbadians, and to preserve and promote the Barbadian culture and heritage.
  • To provide a forum for communication among Barbadian and Caribbean communities within in the USA.
  • To cooperate with other organizations who’s educational, cultural, social, economic, and recreational activities render a contribution to the development of American life.
  • To assist in protecting the rights of Barbadians and their offspring born in the United States of America.
  • To use, apply, devote and distribute from time to time all or part of the fund or funds of the Organization and the income therefrom for the charitable or educational purposes of Barbadians by such means as may be needed by the Directors including research, publication, education and the establishment and maintenance of charitable and educational activities, agencies or institutions which will best promote the objectives of the Organization.
  • To accept donations, gifts, legacies and bequests for use in promoting the objectives and carrying on the work of the Organization.

Board of Directors & Organizational Structure

The Officers of the Organization shall be the President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Public Relations Officer, Organization Liaisons, and such other officers as the Board of Directors may determine. No more than one office may be held by the same person.

The Board of Directors shall consist of the President of The Association of Barbados Organizations, Inc., and the President or the designee of each registered member Organization; and two delegates from each member organization; the National Executive Council.  The Board of Directors will meet annually.

The standing committees are Finance and Project Planning, Fundraising, Membership and Youth Outreach, Education, Charity & Relief, Constitution (Ad Hoc), Disciplinary (Ad Hoc), and Election (Ad Hoc).


Membership in the Organization shall be open to all Barbadians and USA residents who are members of a registered Barbadian Association in the following categories:  General Membership and Associate Membership.  See our Membership page for more information.

Association of Barbados Organizations
PO Box 670994
Coral Springs, FL 33067


Sponsored by:

Barbados Public Workers’ Co-operative Credit Union Limited (BPWCCUL)